Europe For Nature


Stand up for nature! Sign the petition today

Join us in our attempt to protect our planet’s precious biodiversity and secure a sustainable future for all. By signing this petition, you’re urging European leaders to prioritize nature conservation and climate action, and to uphold the principles of the Green Deal. At the same time, you call on fellow Europeans to take nature and sustainability more into account in their decisions.

Below you see the text of the EuropeForNature petition. 

Mozhete da podpishete petitsiyata v platformata za petitsii Avaaz, kato kliknete vŭrkhu slednite vrŭzki:

English, Dutch, French, German, Polish, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Portugese, Romanian

I am deeply concerned by the decline of nature in Europe and worldwide, and its impact on current and future generations.

I call on European leaders to prioritize biodiversity and climate and to turn the Green Deal into action.

I urge all fellow Europeans to prioritise nature and sustainability in the decisions they take.

F, Savoie, Beaufort 1, Saxifraga-Hans Dekker