
EU Fails to Deliver on Food System Transformation in Face of Environmental Collapse

The European Union’s ambitious Farm to Fork strategy, aimed at transforming our food system for a sustainable future, is facing significant challenges and setbacks. Despite promising goals to reduce pesticide use, promote organic farming, and enhance animal welfare, the strategy has fallen short due to several key reasons. Firstly, the revision of animal welfare laws […]

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Deadly combination of pollen, air pollutants and heat in 2023

Europeans should prioritise nature and sustainability to prevent situations like summer 2023 in the Netherlands where almost 1000 people died because of a combination of large amount of grass pollen, high concentration of air pollutants and very high temperatures. #EuropeForNature,

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Heischraal grasland staat op omvallen

Heischraal grasland is een combinatie is van heide en grasland. Hierin komen veel zeldzame planten en insecten voor, zoals Valkruid (Arnica montana), Kleine schorseneer (Scorzonera humilis) en de Kommavlinder (Hesperia comma). Maar heischraal grasland is ernstig bedreigd. Door de stikstofdepositie verzuurt de bodem en verdwijnen de zeldzame soorten. Heischraal grasland is een zogenaamd ‘prioritair habitattype’.

Heischraal grasland staat op omvallen Read More »

Record early start growing season in The Netherlands

This year the growing season started record early in the Netherlands due to the record high temperatures in February, March and early April. It fits in the long-term trend of lengthening of the growing season due to climate change. It is very likely that the projected future climate change will significantly worsen the impacts on

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Mosquito-borne diseases in the Netherlands

In 2020, the West Nile virus, transmitted by the common house mosquito, appeared for the first time in The Netherlands. Laboratory research has demonstrated that an increase in temperature will increase the likeliness of West Nile transmission in our country. As a result, people will get ill and some will die after a mosquito bite.

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Teken actief met warme weer

De veel te hoge temperaturen voor de tijd van het jaar zorgen er ook voor dat teken actief worden. De komende dagen loopt de tekenactiviteitsverwachting van op tot ‘Hoog’ en zelfs ‘Zeer hoog’ in het zuidelijke deel van het land. Vergeet dus niet een tekencheck te doen na een bezoek aan het groen. Interesse

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