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Europe for Nature
Experti: Pojďme spolu komunikovat
příběhy předložené odborníky
The EU and tropical deforestation
The loss of tropical forests is often in the news. We see pictures of barren land next to forest, of chainsaws, of bulldozers. Depressing images.
As a doctor, I feel the urgency. Change is still possible
Every morning, when I cycle through a small strip of flourishing garden behind the hospital, I often find myself puzzled by the web of interactions
Hollowing out – the European Green Deal for forests and nature at the brink of death?
This essay analyses the current backslash relating to the EU Green Deal and identifies four distinct explanations for it (changing political mood, Baptists-Bootleggers politics, planned
Societal engagement for biodiversity? Provide a framework for action!
Biodiversity is a broad concept, often difficult to grasp. Nonetheless, our research on biodiverse consumption shows that people value biodiversity and wish to protect it.
Breeding for biodiversity
The Netherlands is famous for many of its domesticated plant exports, not least tulips but also vegetable seeds. Together with plant breeders, we are researching

Natura 2000: much to be proud of!
Having worked over 30 years on international conservation, I’m proud of what has been achieved in Europe. Natura 2000 is the largest protected area network