
Connecting People and Wildlife: A conversation with all participants (human and non-human)

From an early age I was touched by the nature around me. Therefore, it was no surprise that I felt completely at home when studying Forest and Nature Management at Wageningen University. It was there that a seed has been planted to really understand conflicts between people and wild animals. Especially what lessons we can […]

Connecting People and Wildlife: A conversation with all participants (human and non-human) Read More »

Towards a diverse and democratic food system

We could characterize our food system as a social construct: a complex set of rules, habits, practices, beliefs and views that have developed over time, which shape our behavior. From this perspective, institutional change is essential for sustainability transitions. After all, such a transition can only take place if we change the rules of the

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Nederland Natuurinclusief biedt perspectief

Nederland staat voor een aantal grote maatschappelijke opgaven. Veel van deze opgaven leggen een claim op de beschikbare ruimte. Denk aan ruimte voor biodiversiteit, voor voldoende voedsel van goede kwaliteit, voor het opwekken van duurzame energie, voor wonen, en voor het omgaan met de gevolven van klimaatverandering. Vaak worden deze opgaven nog los van elkaar

Nederland Natuurinclusief biedt perspectief Read More »

Gegen Rechts für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz

Bald sind Europawahlen und nicht erst jetzt zeigt sich ein Rechtsruck in Europa und über seine Grenzen hinaus. Auch nicht erst jetzt zeigt sich, dass die ungleiche Verteilung von Vermögen weltweit weiterwächst mit der Folge, dass mehr und mehr Menschen in Armut leben müssen. Zeitgleich lässt sich allerorts beobachten, wie extreme Wetterereignisse zunehmen. Darunter Hagel,

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Hollowing out – the European Green Deal for forests and nature at the brink of death?

This essay analyses the current backslash relating to the EU Green Deal and identifies four distinct explanations for it (changing political mood, Baptists-Bootleggers politics, planned implosion, and counter mobilization). It then argues for three main changes needed to strengthen EU nature policy: 1) more transparency, including the assessment of trade offs, 2) more participation, and

Hollowing out – the European Green Deal for forests and nature at the brink of death? Read More »

P.S. We onthouden geen dagen, we onthouden momenten

Lieve Aarde Soms ben ik bang dat ik te diep in je glas kijk Soms ben ik bang dat ik te ondiep kijk Soms zit ik met gesloten ogen op je oppervlak wil ik je met zoete tong bezingen zachte briesjes in je oren fluisteren regendruppels in je nek sprenkelen Soms wil ik zonnestralen voor

P.S. We onthouden geen dagen, we onthouden momenten Read More »

Advocating for a Nature-Positive Future: A Call to Action

The degradation of nature in Europe, including issues like nitrogen emissions, declining soil quality, and the reduction of pollinators, underscores the urgent need for action. Global biodiversity agreements highlight this necessity. Nature not only holds intrinsic value but also provides essential resources and services such as clean air, water, and healthy soils, which are critical

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Ecosystem Participation

Human technologies and our comprehension of natural systems have empowered us to adapt, survive, and thrive in densely populated areas. However, this understanding has also fostered a specific cultural and economic approach to the natural system, creating a second nature that could be labeled the Anthropocene lifestyle. In this lifestyle, human actions continuously impact the

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