14 Μάιος 2024

Students with a passion

Ecology was – and still is – my field of study and of academic teaching for decades on end. From understanding terrestrial ecological processes at first, i.e., plant-animal interactions, my field broadened to include livestock, humans and human – wildlife coexistence. Now, my focus is on thoroughly understanding how the lifestyle of the privileged few […]

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Biodiversity decline in the Netherlands

How much more evidence do we need before we act? Biodiversity decline in the Netherland is evident and happens across many taxa and very fast. (Local) species extinction is not only something which happens when tropical forests are cut down, it is apparent in our own backyard as well. Due to intensive agriculture, nitrogen pollution

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Let’s show that humanity has something good to offer for the planet

Living with biodiversity definitely is one of the main challenges for humanity in the coming century. Everyone enjoys butterflies, but >80% of butterflies have disappeared in the Netherlands over the last century. Looking at butterflies, we can learn what it takes to meet our challenge. I propose the ‘butterfly dimension’ of getting engaged for biodiversity

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The “Anthropocene” Circumvention: A New Ideology to Sustain the Status Quo?

Abstract The evils attributed to the “Anthropocene” are not the responsibility of all humanity; the main culprits, who have the political and economic power to shape the forms of production and consumption and define lifestyles, must be distinguished from the majority of the population, whose power to change things cannot be compared with those. “Systemic”

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The faces of extinction

One in four species is facing extinction. We have heard these numbers repeated by many news outlets, but do we know what it means? Do we know any of these species personally? How do they look? What does a typical day in their life look like? What do they like to eat, with whom do

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Elevating nature conservation in European law

I was captivated by nature from a young age, inspired by the incredible diversity it holds. Sir David Attenborough fueled my curiosity, imprinting upon me the importance of understanding and preserving our natural world. Yet, despite this passion, we’ve witnessed a devastating loss of approximately 50% of global biodiversity due to human activities. This decline

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Restoring nature in agricultural landscapes

The increase in agricultural productivity led to the removal of small bushes, trees, hedges, and ponds to make way for larger agricultural plots. Consequently, this transformation of the landscape has made it more vulnerable to climate change, contributing to the spread of diseases, viruses, and pests, while also leading to a decline in biodiversity. Moreover,

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Een levende bodem als basis

President Roosevelt zei al in 1937: “Een bevolking die haar bodems niet koestert, riskeert haar eigen voortbestaan”. Uit mijn eigen ervaring als ecoloog die regelmatig letterlijk haar kop in het zand steekt om de staat van de bodem te onderzoeken, heb ik geleerd dat bodems de basis zijn van ons bestaan. Vroeger dacht men dat

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Important environmental achievements thanks to European collaboration

Feeling overwhelmed by today’s environmental challenges is understandable, but it’s crucial to remember that positive change is possible. While it may seem daunting to reverse biodiversity loss and reduce CO2 emissions, I’ve found inspiration in my own experiences. Growing up in Katwijk aan Zee, I witnessed environmental degradation firsthand, from carpets of dead fish in

Important environmental achievements thanks to European collaboration Read More »