Image author: Eric Schouwenberg

The degradation of nature in Europe, including issues like nitrogen emissions, declining soil quality, and the reduction of pollinators, underscores the urgent need for action. Global biodiversity agreements highlight this necessity. Nature not only holds intrinsic value but also provides essential resources and services such as clean air, water, and healthy soils, which are critical for our health and sectors like agriculture and construction.
At Arcadis, we are committed to a nature-positive future, as outlined in our strategy “Accelerating to a Planet Positive Future”. This requires making clear, sustainable choices in our projects with a focus on climate and biodiversity. The business sector can play a crucial role in this effort, but it necessitates strong environmental policies from Europe. The time for ignoring these issues is over; it is now time for action:
• Create a Europe-wide level playing field: Promote innovation and ensure fair competition.
• Clarify regulations: Support businesses in making sustainable choices and provide clear guidelines (unfortunate that the Nature Restoration Law is currently on hold).
• Encourage positive impacts: Invest in sustainable nature-inclusive solutions.
I believe that with strong policies and a commitment to sustainability, we can pave the way for a healthier planet and a thriving Nature-Positive Future.

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