(Re)building connections with nature

Jeanne Nel, Wageningen University & Research

Image author: Jeanne Nel

Science shows that human wellbeing is supported by more than just access to nature. It is about (re)building nature connectedness – a deep relationship of respect, reciprocity and gratefulness to belong to nature as a human species. We are all interconnected to this planet, and the wellbeing of other species is also the well-being of us humans. This aspiration is captured so beautifully in global and European biodiversity policy – “to live in harmony with nature”. These policies are societally negotiated and scientifically supported over many years. They are there to nurture our collective futures, and gift future generations with a flourishing biodiverse planet. I am therefore deeply concerned about the rapid and systematic dismantling of the European policies on nature and sustainability. I urge everyone – as citizens, professionals, experts – to put care and concern for nature into your decisions and be active in calling politicians to task to protect nature from lobby groups and vested interests. And by nature I mean also humanity. I call for accelerating European climate and nature policy.

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