Récord de inicio temprano de la temporada de cultivo en los Países Bajos

Arnold van Vliet, Wageningen University

Image author: Arnold van Vliet, GrowApp.today

This year the growing season started record early in the Netherlands due to the record high temperatures in February, March and early April. It fits in the long-term trend of lengthening of the growing season due to climate change. It is very likely that the projected future climate change will significantly worsen the impacts on nature and society. We already see clear impacts. Together with thousands of volunteers we monitor, analyse and forecast the timing of life cycle events (www.natuurkalender.nl). I hope that we manage to limit our impact on climate, nature and our society. #EuropeForNature, www.EuropeForNature.eu

This story was also published on: https://www.naturetoday.com/intl/nl/nature-reports/message/?msg=31917

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