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Lahendused keskkonnamuutuste ja/või selle ühiskondlike mõjude ennetamiseks/lahendamiseks

Advocating for a Nature-Positive Future: A Call to Action

The degradation of nature in Europe, including issues like nitrogen emissions, declining soil quality, and the reduction of pollinators, underscores the urgent need for action.

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Keskkonnamuutuste ühiskondlik mõju

Nature is not political

I grew up on a farm in Hoornaar in the beautiful area of the Alblasserwaard, part of the green heart of the Netherlands. From early

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Lahendused keskkonnamuutuste ja/või selle ühiskondlike mõjude ennetamiseks/lahendamiseks

Ecosystem Participation

Human technologies and our comprehension of natural systems have empowered us to adapt, survive, and thrive in densely populated areas. However, this understanding has also

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