Europe For Nature

stories: Human Health

Stories submitted by experts on human health (all languages)

Solutions pour prévenir/résoudre le changement environnemental et/ou ses impacts sociétaux

Towards a diverse and democratic food system

We could characterize our food system as a social construct: a complex set of rules, habits, practices, beliefs and views that have developed over time,

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Changement environnemental observé


Ik ben getogen in Zandvoort, vlak bij de duinen. Als kleine jongen liep ik daar vaak over hazenpaadjes, klom in bomen en bouwde hutten. Een

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Impact sociétal du changement environnemental

We can live only from living soil

Soils are complex ecosystems and not just the dirt beneath our feet. They teem with life, from earthworms to fungi and bacteria. As an environmental

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Solutions pour prévenir/résoudre le changement environnemental et/ou ses impacts sociétaux

Convivial conservation

Convivial conservation is a new “vision, a politics and a set of governance principles for the future of conservation” (Büscher & Fletcher, 2019, p. 284).

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