
Gegen Rechts für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz

Bald sind Europawahlen und nicht erst jetzt zeigt sich ein Rechtsruck in Europa und über seine Grenzen hinaus. Auch nicht erst jetzt zeigt sich, dass die ungleiche Verteilung von Vermögen weltweit weiterwächst mit der Folge, dass mehr und mehr Menschen in Armut leben müssen. Zeitgleich lässt sich allerorts beobachten, wie extreme Wetterereignisse zunehmen. Darunter Hagel, […]

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Internalising external costs is key to dissolve conflicts of ecology and economy

Can protecting our natural resources really be economically “too much”? Just as often with our own health, it rather seems to be a question of short vs long-term perspective, or business vs national economy. The degradation of some natural resources, like soil, water or stable climate, will have adverse economic effects on future generations that

Internalising external costs is key to dissolve conflicts of ecology and economy Read More »

Where are the Laws of Nature When Decisions are Made?

In science and innovation networks, many experts argue that solutions to the colossal problems we face are available today. However, attempts to implement and scale these solutions to system levels get stuck by default. Projects fail for the same reasons as their predecessors. A group of Individuals with such experiences began to ask questions like:

Where are the Laws of Nature When Decisions are Made? Read More »