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Europe for Nature
Szakértők: kommunikáljunk együtt
szakértők által benyújtott történetek

Restoring nature in agricultural landscapes
The increase in agricultural productivity led to the removal of small bushes, trees, hedges, and ponds to make way for larger agricultural plots. Consequently, this

Een levende bodem als basis
President Roosevelt zei al in 1937: “Een bevolking die haar bodems niet koestert, riskeert haar eigen voortbestaan”. Uit mijn eigen ervaring als ecoloog die regelmatig

Important environmental achievements thanks to European collaboration
Feeling overwhelmed by today’s environmental challenges is understandable, but it’s crucial to remember that positive change is possible. While it may seem daunting to reverse
The Hidden Costs of Pesticides: Threats to Nature and Food
Current pesticide use has serious consequences for the environment and human health. Current policy assessments have mainly focused on how pesticides pollute ecosystems and affect
EU Fails to Deliver on Food System Transformation in Face of Environmental Collapse
The European Union’s ambitious Farm to Fork strategy, aimed at transforming our food system for a sustainable future, is facing significant challenges and setbacks. Despite

Extremely high global sea surface temperatures
Incredible and worrying to see how high the average global sea surface temperature is. Since March 2023, temperatures seem to have gone off the rails.