
Thuis in de biosfeer

De biosfeer, een dun schilletje van slechts enkele kilometers rondom onze mooie aarde. De enorme verscheidenheid aan plant- en diersoorten dat hierbinnen leeft vind ik fascinerend. Deze miljoenen soorten zorgen voor het functioneren van de ecosystemen waar ook wij onderdeel van zijn. Evolutionair gezien bestaat onze soort eigenlijk nog maar kort. In 300.000 jaar hebben […]

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Gegen Rechts für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz

Bald sind Europawahlen und nicht erst jetzt zeigt sich ein Rechtsruck in Europa und über seine Grenzen hinaus. Auch nicht erst jetzt zeigt sich, dass die ungleiche Verteilung von Vermögen weltweit weiterwächst mit der Folge, dass mehr und mehr Menschen in Armut leben müssen. Zeitgleich lässt sich allerorts beobachten, wie extreme Wetterereignisse zunehmen. Darunter Hagel,

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Societal engagement for biodiversity? Provide a framework for action!

Biodiversity is a broad concept, often difficult to grasp. Nonetheless, our research on biodiverse consumption shows that people value biodiversity and wish to protect it. But what is the best way to do this, and what influence does one consumer have in a system that seems to be ruled by profitability? These questions arise when

Societal engagement for biodiversity? Provide a framework for action! Read More »

The value of showing kids (and subsequently parents…) how food grows and some other biodiversity

As an ecologist and (soil) biodiversity scientist, I am always interested in nature. But I also see the need for food, and therefore agriculture. What I long did not understand is that many kids nowadays do not even know how their very basic food, like potatoes grow. What I was also surprised about and learned

The value of showing kids (and subsequently parents…) how food grows and some other biodiversity Read More »

P.S. We onthouden geen dagen, we onthouden momenten

Lieve Aarde Soms ben ik bang dat ik te diep in je glas kijk Soms ben ik bang dat ik te ondiep kijk Soms zit ik met gesloten ogen op je oppervlak wil ik je met zoete tong bezingen zachte briesjes in je oren fluisteren regendruppels in je nek sprenkelen Soms wil ik zonnestralen voor

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Where are the Laws of Nature When Decisions are Made?

In science and innovation networks, many experts argue that solutions to the colossal problems we face are available today. However, attempts to implement and scale these solutions to system levels get stuck by default. Projects fail for the same reasons as their predecessors. A group of Individuals with such experiences began to ask questions like:

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Europe Needs Education on Nature

I would like to contribute to #EuropeFor Nature by sharing my story as an expert in Finance and Nature. With just a few days to go before the next European elections, I want to stress the need to educate Europeans: especially future MEPs and all European citizens, whether they vote … or not, for various

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Students with a passion

Ecology was – and still is – my field of study and of academic teaching for decades on end. From understanding terrestrial ecological processes at first, i.e., plant-animal interactions, my field broadened to include livestock, humans and human – wildlife coexistence. Now, my focus is on thoroughly understanding how the lifestyle of the privileged few

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The “Anthropocene” Circumvention: A New Ideology to Sustain the Status Quo?

Abstract The evils attributed to the “Anthropocene” are not the responsibility of all humanity; the main culprits, who have the political and economic power to shape the forms of production and consumption and define lifestyles, must be distinguished from the majority of the population, whose power to change things cannot be compared with those. “Systemic”

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