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Europe for nature
Experts: lets communicate together
stories submitted by experts
Red Alert: wild mammals make up only a few percent of the world’s mammals!
One of the most compelling figures I saw over the last few years is the one where the total weight of all mammals on earth,

Wet landscapes for sustainable futures
You can often find me in wet, muddy and beautiful ecosystems: wetlands! I work in peatlands, fresh and salt marshes, mangroves, seagrass meadows and bivalve

Our Nature: A Legacy at Risk
I have dedicated most of my working life to the protection, management and restoration of nature. More than 40 years ago, triggered by the Berne

To become redundant
My aim is to make myself redundant. This may sound bizarre, but I am an environmental toxicologist. I study the impacts of pesticides and other

Een vreemdeling, zeker, die verdwaald is?
In 1966 kreeg ik, van Sinterklaas, ongetwijfeld na het eerst zingen van “Hoor wie klopt daar kinderen” het vogelhandboekje “Zien is Kennen” van Nol Binsbergen

Planetary Health: The Need for a Paradigm Shift
It is common knowledge that the Earth has changed considerably in recent centuries because of increasing economic and population growth. These changes have been so