Organizacja przyrodnicza

The state of nature in a transition country, the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The primeval nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina, rich in numerous endemics, is rapidly disappearing, whether it is mountain, hill or meadow ecosystems. Watercourses, mountain lakes and ponds are especially endangered, which are already on the verge of disappearing. So 20 years ago we had the chaotic construction of small hydroelectric plants, which sprouted like mushrooms […]

The state of nature in a transition country, the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina Read More »

Natura 2000: much to be proud of!

Having worked over 30 years on international conservation, I’m proud of what has been achieved in Europe. Natura 2000 is the largest protected area network in the world, with in general well-managed sites, this is a tremendous achievement! I’m organising knowledge exchange between Member States, around the Birds and Habitats Directives. European countries are very

Natura 2000: much to be proud of! Read More »

Where are the Laws of Nature When Decisions are Made?

In science and innovation networks, many experts argue that solutions to the colossal problems we face are available today. However, attempts to implement and scale these solutions to system levels get stuck by default. Projects fail for the same reasons as their predecessors. A group of Individuals with such experiences began to ask questions like:

Where are the Laws of Nature When Decisions are Made? Read More »

De pulskor – een wortel voor de neus van de vissers

De beloofde herintroductie van de pulskor door de PVV-coalitie geeft vissers valse hoop. De EU zal niet akkoord gaan en bovendien is er ondertussen alweer ander vistuig ontwikkeld wat meer kans maakt op brede acceptatie. De visserij in Europa is afgestemd met andere EU-landen en ingebed in het gemeenschappelijk visserijbeleid. Hierin zijn ook alle maximale

De pulskor – een wortel voor de neus van de vissers Read More »