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Advocating for a Nature-Positive Future: A Call to Action

The degradation of nature in Europe, including issues like nitrogen emissions, declining soil quality, and the reduction of pollinators, underscores the urgent need for action. Global biodiversity agreements highlight this necessity. Nature not only holds intrinsic value but also provides essential resources and services such as clean air, water, and healthy soils, which are critical […]

Advocating for a Nature-Positive Future: A Call to Action Read More »

Exploring Costa Rica’s Green Corridors and Insights for Europe

During a recent trip to Costa Rica, I had the opportunity to delve into the country’s lush landscapes alongside Don Carlos, a local resident. He introduced me to a hidden gem: a verdant patch of forest nestled within agricultural lands in the northern region, where his family owns a cattle farm. Don Carlos stumbled upon

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Ecosystem Participation

Human technologies and our comprehension of natural systems have empowered us to adapt, survive, and thrive in densely populated areas. However, this understanding has also fostered a specific cultural and economic approach to the natural system, creating a second nature that could be labeled the Anthropocene lifestyle. In this lifestyle, human actions continuously impact the

Ecosystem Participation Read More »

Waarom investeren in natuur en duurzaamheid zinvol is

Wat heb je liever, je eigen benen of een prothese? Voor mij is het antwoord op de vraag waarom te investeren in gezonde ecosystemen net zo vanzelfsprekend. Iets meer dan dertig jaar onderzoek aan gezondheid en herstel van venen en duinen heeft me overtuigd dat goed functionerende, gezonde, ecosystemen net zo belangrijk zijn voor onze

Waarom investeren in natuur en duurzaamheid zinvol is Read More »

Nature is an indispensable part of a future that desirable and feasible

Source Photo: Karsten Russ Six years ago, our analysis of German data revealed that we have lost three-quarters of our flying insects in less than 30 years. Recent accounts on wild plants, farmland birds and hoverflies confirm that negative trends continue until today. Our ecosystems are beginning to fall apart. So, what should we be

Nature is an indispensable part of a future that desirable and feasible Read More »

Europese wetgeving van groot belang voor biodiversiteit

Wat als er geen Europees natuurbeschermingsrecht bestond? Geen Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijnen dus, met hun vérgaande verplichtingen om gebieden en soorten te beschermen, die rechtstreeks kunnen worden ingeroepen bij de nationale rechter. En geen Europees Hof van Justitie, dat deze verplichtingen handhaaft en uitlegt in het licht van hun doel, en dus voorrang geeft aan natuurbehoud

Europese wetgeving van groot belang voor biodiversiteit Read More »

(Re)building connections with nature

Science shows that human wellbeing is supported by more than just access to nature. It is about (re)building nature connectedness – a deep relationship of respect, reciprocity and gratefulness to belong to nature as a human species. We are all interconnected to this planet, and the wellbeing of other species is also the well-being of

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Biocultural conservation of traditional agroforestry systems against land abandonment

Maintaining rural areas necessarily involves preserving and developing agricultural activities. This is especially true in the Tuscany region of central Italy, where the collective imagination envisions hills and valleys adorned with rows of vines, grapevines, olive groves, husbandry, and centuries-old cypresses. However, even in Tuscany – as is the case throughout Europe – there is

Biocultural conservation of traditional agroforestry systems against land abandonment Read More »

Europe should support farmers to welcome biodiversity

Many farmers love nature. They enjoy wildlife when working on their land, they care for the soil and their animals, and they know that they work with and depend on nature. Stewardship is an important value to them. Time and again I find this in my research. Farmers hold the key to restoration of biodiversity

Europe should support farmers to welcome biodiversity Read More »