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Europe for Nature
Experter: låt oss kommunicera tillsammans
berättelser inlämnade av experter

The value of showing kids (and subsequently parents…) how food grows and some other biodiversity
As an ecologist and (soil) biodiversity scientist, I am always interested in nature. But I also see the need for food, and therefore agriculture. What

P.S. We onthouden geen dagen, we onthouden momenten
Lieve Aarde Soms ben ik bang dat ik te diep in je glas kijk Soms ben ik bang dat ik te ondiep kijk Soms zit

Between hope and despair
“This is the economic salvation of Indonesia,” he shouted. We drove through Central Kalimantan and where once stood the wet peatlands and biodiverse tropical forests,

Massale sterfte door droogte doe je niet teniet met veel regen
Wat een regen hebben we de afgelopen maanden gehad. Ik krijg regelmatig de opmerking dat het neerslagtekort nu inmiddels toch wel weer aangevuld moet zijn.

Where are the Laws of Nature When Decisions are Made?
In science and innovation networks, many experts argue that solutions to the colossal problems we face are available today. However, attempts to implement and scale
The Earth: Old and New European Values
The climate crisis and enormous decline in biodiversity present Europe with two scenarios. Or Europe will continue as usual and create an even greater separation