Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Jens Poetsch

Internalising external costs is key to dissolve conflicts of ecology and economy

Can protecting our natural resources really be economically “too much”? Just as often with our own health, it rather seems to be a question of short vs long-term perspective, or business vs national economy. The degradation of some natural resources, like soil, water or stable climate, will have adverse economic effects on future generations that […]

Internalising external costs is key to dissolve conflicts of ecology and economy Meer lezen »

We can live only from living soil

Soils are complex ecosystems and not just the dirt beneath our feet. They teem with life, from earthworms to fungi and bacteria. As an environmental historian, I have studied the interaction between soils and humans, how in the European past the soil was cared for, impersonated as “Mother Earth” by Greek and Roman thinkers, fed

We can live only from living soil Meer lezen »

The state of nature in a transition country, the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The primeval nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina, rich in numerous endemics, is rapidly disappearing, whether it is mountain, hill or meadow ecosystems. Watercourses, mountain lakes and ponds are especially endangered, which are already on the verge of disappearing. So 20 years ago we had the chaotic construction of small hydroelectric plants, which sprouted like mushrooms

The state of nature in a transition country, the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina Meer lezen »

Vote on a party that puts sustainability before short-term interests

The upcoming European elections are incredibly important for nature. European authorities have begun to roll back many policies and rules that are meant to protected nature, to ensure that our environment gets cleaner and healther, and to help industries and agriculture adopt environmentally friendly practices. This is worrying, because despite recovery here and there, the

Vote on a party that puts sustainability before short-term interests Meer lezen »

Convivial conservation

Convivial conservation is a new “vision, a politics and a set of governance principles for the future of conservation” (Büscher & Fletcher, 2019, p. 284). Through its core focus on ‘living with’ biodiversity within planetary boundaries, it will also productively address the likely dramatic impacts of climate change (IPBES-IPCC, 2021). Grounded in a political ecological

Convivial conservation Meer lezen »

Companies lead, government lags

Cargill and Nestle, two of the world’s largest agri and food companies are already switching to regenerative agriculture in the supply chain. This low to no input, nature friendly practice sequesters carbon, regenerates the soil and allows nature to flourish. The investment to transition is high – €93 per 0.40 ha (acre) and should be

Companies lead, government lags Meer lezen »

Kies voor het leven!

Bij de komende Europese verkiezingen staat veel op het spel. Blijft de Europese Unie Oekraïne steunen in de oorlog tegen de Russische agressor? Komt extreem rechts aan de macht? Houden we uitverkoop als het gaat om de waarden waarop onze samenleving is gebouwd? Voor de natuur ziet de toekomst er beroerd uit. De rijkdom van

Kies voor het leven! Meer lezen »

Waarom doen boeren niet gewoon wat we zeggen?

Dit was lang geleden een wanhopige, maar serieuze vraag van een collega. “We weten precies wat weidevogels nodig hebben: waarom doen boeren niet gewoon wat we zeggen?” Ik ben die collega nog altijd dankbaar, want het gaf mij een extra zetje om mij te verdiepen in wat boeren nodig hebben om voor biodiversiteit te zorgen.

Waarom doen boeren niet gewoon wat we zeggen? Meer lezen »

The EU and tropical deforestation

The loss of tropical forests is often in the news. We see pictures of barren land next to forest, of chainsaws, of bulldozers. Depressing images. These new items generate frustration and anger, among politicians, conservationists, scientists and many more. We are frustrated by the loss of ecosystems that are so vastly diverse, that generate rainfall

The EU and tropical deforestation Meer lezen »

As a doctor, I feel the urgency. Change is still possible

Every morning, when I cycle through a small strip of flourishing garden behind the hospital, I often find myself puzzled by the web of interactions that sustain this mini ecosystem. It’s a tranquil spot, full of life—colorful nature and singing birds. As a medical doctor – however – I also see the threats that loom

As a doctor, I feel the urgency. Change is still possible Meer lezen »