Europe For Nature

stories: Biodiversity / Nature / Ecology

Stories submitted by experts on Biodiversity / Nature / Ecology (all languages)

Solutions to prevent/solve environmental change and/or its societal impacts

Convivial conservation

Convivial conservation is a new “vision, a politics and a set of governance principles for the future of conservation” (Büscher & Fletcher, 2019, p. 284).

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Solutions to prevent/solve environmental change and/or its societal impacts

Kies voor het leven!

Bij de komende Europese verkiezingen staat veel op het spel. Blijft de Europese Unie Oekraïne steunen in de oorlog tegen de Russische agressor? Komt extreem

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Solutions to prevent/solve environmental change and/or its societal impacts

Natura 2000: much to be proud of!

Having worked over 30 years on international conservation, I’m proud of what has been achieved in Europe. Natura 2000 is the largest protected area network

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