Europe for Nature

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Solutions to prevent/solve environmental change and/or its societal impacts

Europese wetgeving van groot belang voor biodiversiteit

Wat als er geen Europees natuurbeschermingsrecht bestond? Geen Vogel- en Habitatrichtlijnen dus, met hun vérgaande verplichtingen om gebieden en soorten te beschermen, die rechtstreeks kunnen

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Solutions to prevent/solve environmental change and/or its societal impacts

(Re)building connections with nature

Science shows that human wellbeing is supported by more than just access to nature. It is about (re)building nature connectedness – a deep relationship of

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Societal impact of environmental change

Soil-Positive Urbanization

I am trained as an architect and urbanist, but currently I am researching soil contamination in Amsterdam. What is an architect doing with soil? Cities

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